Yaesu Serial number Serial number format is YMLLUUUU where
Y is the last digit of the year, M is the month with C = Jan, D = Feb and so on, LL is the lot number and UUUU is the unit number within the lot.
Kenwood Serial number
XYYZZZZ Year = X-2 (last digit of year), month = yy, order on line = zzzz
Here is how the new style (August, 2008 and later) Kenwood serial numbers are decoded: The first character denotes the decade, the second character is the year within the decade, and the third character is the month within the year.
First character A = 200x B = 201x C = 202x
Second Character 0 = 2010, 2020, etc. 9 = 2009, 2019, etc.
Third Character 1 = January 9 = September A = October C = December
So B would be the decade starting with 2010, the 2 would be 2012, and the 3 would be March